The 'Luxury and Wealth' section contains the most precious finds in the collection, organized according to composition and function.
Gems and amber represent the peak of Aquileia’s craft production. These and other jewellery – and a range of decorative items – were used in daily life, and often accompanied their owners to the afterlife: personal ornaments and trinkets were commonly used to exhibit wealth and social status.
Personal care accessories (mirrors, strigils, ointment and perfume containers, cosmetics items and other utensils), refined jewellery in precious metals, objects in amber, and precious stones and their cheaper glass-paste imitations reflect the importance the Romans gave to bodily care and personal embellishment, for both men and women. This aspect of everyday life linked together the private and public domains.
Personal portraits also supply important information about the fashions that united citizens from every part of the empire: variations in hairstyle throw light on a society in which imperial family members were recognized as models to imitate. Their faces were universally known from statues and portraits and their images on coins – of which a plentiful selection is on display, further proof of Aquileia's economic vitality.
Section Opening
On May 28, 2021, we open the new section of Museo archeologico nazionale di Aquileiadedicated to our luxury collection.
You can watch the video of the event on the YouTube channel of the museum.
Andreina Contessa – Direttore della Direzione Regionale Musei FVG
Novello – Direttore del MAN Aquileia
Emanuele Zorino – Sindaco di Aquileia
Massimiliano Fedriga – Presidente Regione FVG
Giovanni Tortelli – GTRF Tortelli Frassoni Architetti Associati
Elena Commessatti
Since sabato 29 maggio 2021 you can visit our luxury section on the opening hours (Mon-Sun, 10 am to 7 pm, last entrance at 6 pm). Please remind to follow the anti Covid-19 safety measures.
For further information: museoaquileiadidattica@beniculturali.it